Sunday 22 November 2009

New Pump

A few days ago i tested the Herald, I took my father out for a drive, i think he had regrets about coming... after about half a mile down the road I felt the car struggling, and it appeared to be the same problem we originally had on the motorway, which was unexpected, as we thought we'd solved the problem with the new clutch and gearbox, however after some thought we now think that it could be one of two problems, a petrol problem, or an oil problem.

Today i fitted the new petrol pump (the original one was leaking somewhat) which was bought off ebay and was unused original stock. Whether this has helped at all i'm not sure, and i don't feel like testing it so soon after the last test (it was stressful)

Sunday 15 November 2009

New gearbox, new clutch... success?

Although i have yet to take the Herald out for a proper test drive, everything seems to be in order, after removing the old gearbox and putting the new one in, then removing the new gearbox and replacing the old clutch with a new clutch, then putting the new gearbox back in, only to find that the clutch is not properly alligned, and so removing the gearbox once again, re-positioning the clutch (by this time we were ready for a drink) and putting in the new gearbox for one final time.

The first test drive on the forecourt yesterday resulted in alot of crunching when selecting reverse gear, and after a some help from my uncle, an ex mechanic, who stated the obvious to us amateurs, we decided that the slave cylinder needed a slight extension. This morning i tested the Herald after accounting for the lack of reach and she ran like a dream... perhaps later i'll take her for a proper spin!

Monday 9 November 2009

Cold Winters Day

The gearbox seems to be in good condition, however the Herald is still not moving! We now have a suspected clutch problem to exacerbate things even more.

I haven't done a huge amount of work in the past few weeks, so today i decided to put in some work to avoid losing heart, so i continued with my efforts to fiberglass the rust hole in the boot, i'm starting to get the hang of fiberglassing, although i didn't much enjoy my arm going hard when i established that i had dribbled the mixture down my forearm. I also painted the off-side front wheel today, which leaves only one wheek left to be rubbed down and painted. She's looking smarter than ever, although we'll be removing that old gearbox again in the next few weeks to install the new clutch i've just ordered. Lets hope the postal strikes don't affect the time it takes to arrive!